Manual: R4000-XX-X-000-X-X_EN
Release: 1.20
©Elotech GmbH
Seite 35 / 48
Menu: USB
Save controller data on an USB-Stick. (USB-flash drive)
The data is stored as a text file in an adjustable CSV-format.
The USB-flash-drive must be formatted with FAT. (FAT16/
FAT32) The file name contains the last 5 digits “xxxxx” of
the MAC-ID.
Save to USB
All parameters
Save all parameters for all zones.
Generates the file -> LogParaxxxxx.txt and LogPara.bin
Al. Logbook
Save the entries of the Alarm Logbook.
Generates the file -> LogBookxxxxx.txt
Save the measuring points of the graph for all zones.
Generates the file -> LogGraphxxxxx.txt
Act. program
Save the current program of the program controller.
Generates the file -> ProgAkt.bin
All programs
Save all programs of the program controller in one file.
Generates the file -> ProgAll.bin
USB status
- - -
Display of the USB-status: no stick detected.
Key detected
USB-stick detected:
Files can be saved or loaded from the USB flash drive.
Load all
Loading a previously saved parameter set. The file
“LogPara.bin” must exist on the USB flash drive.
Act. program
Load a program for the program controller. The program con-
tained in the ProgAkt.bin file is loaded into the currently set
All programs
Load all programs. The programs contained in the ProgAll.bin
file are loaded into the program controller.
Delimiter symbol between single data sets:
Cycle time for writing an output line with time stamp on the
USB stick.
If the parameter "Log interval" is set to a numerical value, so a file named
“LogR4000_xxxxx_YYYY_MM_DD.txt” is generated on the USB stick. “xxxxx” the last 5 dig-
its of the MAC-ID. YYYY, MM and DD mean the year, month, day. After a change of date a
new file is created.
With the included names MAC-ID “xxxxx”, the files can be assigned to different R4000 con-
Each "Log interval" time a new row is added. The line includes a time-stamp, setpoint, the
actual value, the output ratio and the actual current value of Zone 1 to Zone 8.