Manual: R4000-XX-X-000-X-X_EN
Release: 1.20
©Elotech GmbH
Seite 12 / 48
Window: Main
This window contains a summary of the other function windows.
One gets to this window by pressing the area of a
selected zone in the window ”Actual Process Value”
for more than 1 seconds.
Likewise, you come into this window by pressing the
following icon. In different windows this symbol ap-
pears in the lower left corner.
Jump to window “Actual Process Value“
Display for all zones: Actual process value, setpoint, output ratio, alarms,
ramp, autotune, softstart
Jump to window “Zone synopsis“
Display and entry for selected zone: Actual process value, setpoint, output
ratio, current, monitoring state, ramp, autotune, softstart
Jump to window “Process“ (List view)
Display for all zones: Actual process value, setpoint, output ratio, current,
monitoring state
Jump to window “Graph“
Display for selected zone: Graphical display of the actual value process-
temperature over time
Jump to window “Log“
Display for all zones: Alarm- und status messages
Jump to window "Program controller"
Graphical representation of the temperature profile with start / stop button
and possibility of configuring the programs.
Jump to window “Parameter“
Display and entry for all zones: All zone-parameter
Jump to window “Tools“
Configuration of the monitoring, the alarms and interfaces. (USB, Fieldbus,
Calling of the Wizard (set-up assistance)
Jump to window “System“
Configuration inputs, outputs, Indicator/Controller and unit. Setting lan-
guage, date, sample time and restart lock-out.
Hold down < 1 sec. = Return to previous window
Hold down > 1 sec. = Jump to window “Actual Process Value“