page 3 – 27
AM-55 / Sep 2015
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Limiters and Clipper Dynamic Displays Menu
The lower region of the Limiters and Clipper page allows the user to change the timing
of the five band limiter. It uses the same button/dot adjustor scheme as the Leveller/Com
pressor. For more information on how to use the button/dot controls, please see page 3‑8
of this Chapter.
The right side of the lower region scale shows the limiter gain reduction in dB. The
left side of the lower region scale shows the numerical value of the option being adjusted.
For instance, when Release
is being adjusted, the left scale shows the release times in mS.
This control determines how quickly the limiter bands respond to audio peaks once they
exceed the limiter threshold. Recommended settings are between 5ms and 30ms. Longer
attack times allow more of the audio peaks to reach the clipper. Shorter attack times will
make the limiter more audible.
The Release
time control determines how quickly the limiter will return to 0dB resting
value once audio has fallen below the limiter threshold. Faster release times will yield
a louder sound while slower times will yield a smoother sound at the expense of some