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AM-55 / Sep 2015
A M - 5 5 G U I
The System
screen allows system‑wide settings to be configured, such as how the GUI
communicates with the hardware and security settings within the processor.
Input/Output Settings Change With Preset
When selected the following settings will be preset dependent:
• Analog Input Gains (L & R)
• Digital Input Gains (L & R)
• TX 1 & 2 Output Levels
• Digital Output Level
• Tilt Frequency Adjustments
Wheatstone recommends that this option remain unchecked unless you have a need
to change any of the above settings when a new preset is taken. When this option is NOT
selected, the parameters listed above remain static between presets and only the sound
adjustments are changed.
Send Metering Data Over TCP/IP
By default, the AM‑55 utilizes the UDP protocol for transmitting metering data to
the remote GUI (the TCP protocol with its guaranteed accurate packet delivery is always
used for control).
In some situations UDP packets are blocked by Internet Service Providers, and when
this occurs the GUI can successfully connect to the AM‑55 but there is no visible
data. Unless one can successfully convince the ISP to allow unsolicited UDP traffic on
their network (doubtful) the solution is to utilize VPN Tunneling (which encapsulates all
packets into TCP) or simply switch the AM‑55 and its GUI to use the TCP protocol for
metering. When the
Metering data over TCP/IP
box is checked the TCP protocol is used
for transmitting metering data instead of UDP.