7.10 Ultrasonic Cleaning
This allows for a selection menu to turn
the ultrasonic cleaning
function if desired. The default mode is
. Make a selection using the
buttons then press the
7.11 RS-485 Parameter - Bits
This is the first of three menus to setup the RS-485 parameters. These
menus will only appear if the RS-485 mode is selected. Selections are 7 or
8 bits. The factory selection is 8 bits. Make a selection using the
buttons then press the
7.12 RS-485 Parameter – Parity
In the Parity menu selections are no parity (nOnE), odd parity (Odd) or even
parity (E). The default selection is no parity. Make a selection using the
buttons then press the
button. The factory setting is no parity.
7.13 RS-485 Parameter – Stop Bits
For stop bits the choices are 1 or 2 stop bits. The default selection is 1
stop bit. Make a selection using the
buttons then press the
button. The factory setting is 1 stop bit.
7.14 Duty Cycle
This determines how often the lamp turns on and updates the reading.
The lamp will operate for 1 second each time to obtain readings. Updates
can be set from 4 seconds to 60 seconds. The factory setting is 6. Keep
in mind that this setting also affects the life of the LED. With updates set
to 4 seconds the LED life is about fours. The factory 6-second update will
extend the LED life to over 5 years. The 60-second setting increases LED
life to about 14 years, but this will delay all updates.
Change the selected update period using the
buttons then
press the
7.15 Desiccant Alarm
The AccUView LED is equipped with a humidity detector to monitor
the internal environment. Once the relative humidity reaches 34%, the
instrument will display
as a warning that the desiccant pack needs
to be replaced. Note that condensation has the potential to form when the
relative humidity reaches 19%. The default setting is
, which means
it will only display
on the screen. Turning the setting to
affect the 4-20mA signal based on the set error level as well as display
warning on the screen. Refer to Setting the Error Level section
earlier in the manual.
7.16 4mA Adjustment
If the 4-20 mA setting is turned ON
(7.2 Setting the 4-20 mA Output)
, the
following two menus will appear. The first menu outputs a constant 4 mA
while allowing for a small amount of adjustment. The adjustment can be
made using the
buttons. This adjustment will allow the operator
to make the AccUView LED agree with a PLC or SCADA system. The
adjustment limits are ± 200 counts or about ± 0.2 mA.
This setting will be slightly different on each instrument as each AccUView
LED will be factory set to 4.00mA. Press the
button when adjustments
are complete to save this setting and move on to the 20mA adjustment.