Turning on Zone Supervision enables contact between the supervised zone and the main control unit. Every 24
hours, the supervised zone transmits a signal to the main control unit, telling it that it is still functional. If the
main control unit does not receive this signal while supervision is turned on, an SMS will be sent to each of the
phones ‘written’ into the system. This allows you to determine if the wireless connection between a zone and
the main control unit is still active. By factory default this function is
turned off.
5.2.2 Turning zone supervision on or off
Set the dipswitch for the zone you wish to program.
Hold the DELETE button down.
Press button 1 on the remote control to enable supervision.
The internal screamer will beep once.
Press button 2 on the remote control to disable supervision.
The internal screamer will beep twice.
Release the DELETE button.
Set all dipswitches to off.
The Arming and Disarming beeps produced by the siren maybe turned off or on. This does not affect the
beeps produced by the internal screamer. This setting is
by default.
5.2.3 Turning siren arm / disarm beeps on or off
Set dipswitches 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 to on.
Press ADD to turn beeps ON.
Press DELETE to turn beeps OFF.
Set all dipswitches to off.