e) Perform a walk test
Remove the front cover off the detector via the clip at the top. The green and red
lights will flash together, 6 times, to indicate that the detector has entered test
Replace the front cover.
The detector will stay in walk test mode for 3 minutes. It may be triggered as often
as desired during this period. When movement is detected the green light will flash
to indicate one pulse count. When 3 pulse counts are detected the red light will flash
to indicate a valid movement and that the alarm code signal has been sent back to
the main control unit.
After the alarm code signal has been received, the internal screamer will beep the
number of times of the zone that has been triggered, ie: two beeps for a zone 2
detector. Detectors, which have been set to 24-hour mode, will still trigger the alarm.
If a tamper switch is pressed on the main control unit or a wireless detector the
internal screamer will beep once.
By following this process, test the range of your detector setup, acknowledging the beeping out of the zones by the main
control unit. If the detector does not trigger these beeps from the main control unit, you may need to reposition your
detectors closer to the main control unit.