2.2.5 Wireless Smoke Detectors
This section shows you how to install wireless smoke detectors (SMODETW) for your system.
Please read the
Smoke detector mounting information
section before permanently fixing the detector.
As smoke detectors are optional accessories with the Watchguard SMS 2010 System, you will need to
learn them into the
Main Control Unit
. Follow the
Set-up and learn-in a smoke detector
procedure for
each of the smoke detectors that you have.
Wireless Smoke Detectors require a 9VDC battery to operate. Do not repair the smoke alarm yourself. It
contains an extremely small amount of a radioactive element in the dual ionisation chamber.
a) Smoke detector mounting information
Locate an alarm for each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms. Try to protect the exit path
as the bedrooms are usually farthest from an exit. If more than one sleeping area exit, locate additional alarms in each
sleeping area in the immediate vicinity bedrooms.
Locate additional alarms to
any stairway as stairways act like chimneys for smoke and heat.
Locate at least one alarm on every floor level.
Locate an alarm in every room where a smoker sleeps.
Locate an alarm in every room where electrical appliances are operated (i.e. portable heaters or humidifiers).
Locate an alarm in every room where someone sleeps with the door closed. The closed door may prevent the alarm
from waking the sleeper.
Smoke, heat and other combustion products rise to the ceiling and spread horizontally. Mounting the alarm on the
ceiling in the centre of the home places it closest to all points in the room. Ceiling mounting is preferred in ordinary
residential construction.
For mobile home installations, select a location carefully to avoid thermal barrier that may form at the ceiling. For more
details see Mobile Home installation overleaf.
When mounting alarms on the ceiling locate it at a minimum of 300mm from the side wall and 300mm from any corner.
When mounting alarms on a wall, use an inside wall with the alarm of a maximum of 300mm below the ceiling but not
exceeding 600mm.
NOTE: The performance of smoke alarms mounted on walls is unpredictable and that this mounting is not
recommended when ceiling mounting can be implemented.
When mounting the alarm at the apex of a sloping ceiling it should be located a minimum of 500mm from the apex but
not exceeding 1500mm. (See diagram).
Locate smoke alarm at both ends of a bedroom hallway if the hallway is more than 9m long.
We do not recommend installation in areas of high condensation such as bathrooms due to potential for false alarms.