Glossary • 325
Modular I/O System
Screened unshielded twisted pair cable which only has one external shield.
However, the twisted pair cables are not shielded from each other.
Switches are comparable to bridges, but with several outputs. Each output
uses the full ETHERNET bandwidth. A switch switches a virtual connection
between an input port and an output port for data transmission. Switches
learn which nodes are connected and filter the information transmitted over
the network accordingly. Switches are inteligent devices that learn the node
connections and can transfer data at the switch and not have to send it back
to the main server.
The segments of this type of ETHERNET are connected by switches. There
are many applications for switching technologies. ETHERNET switching is
becoming increasingly popular in local networks as it allows the realization
of a deterministic ETHERNET.
Transport Control Protocol.
TCP/IP protocol stack
Network protocols which allow communication between different networks
and technologies.
The Telnet protocol fulfils the function of a virtual terminal. It allows remote
access from the user’s computer to other computer systems on the network.
Twisted pair
Twisted pair cables (abbreviated to TP).