Fieldbus coupler 750-342
Starting up ETHERNET TCP/IP fieldbus nodes
Modular I/O System
No gateway is required for the local network described in this example.
Therefore, the first example: "Example of entry with no gateway" can be
Move the mouse pointer to the text line:
"node1:ht=1:ha=0030DE000100:ip=" and mark the 12 charac-
ter hardware address which is entered after ha=...
Enter the MAC-ID of your own network coupler.
If you want to give your fieldbus node a name, delete the name "node1" and
enter any name in its place.
To assign the coupler a desired IP address, mark the IP address specified in
the example which is entered after ip=...
Replace it with the IP address you have selected.
Because the second example is not necessary at present, insert a “#” in front
of the text line of the second example: "# node2:hat=1:ha=003 0DE 0002
00:ip=", so that this line will be ignored.
To address more fieldbus nodes, enter a corresponding text line showing the
corresponding entries for each node.
Save the altered settings in this text file "bootptab.txt". To do this go to the
File menu, menu item Save, and close the editor.
BootP Server
Now open the dialog window for the WAGO BootP server by going to the
Start menu on your screen surface, menu item Program /
WAGO Software / WAGO BootP Server and click on WAGO BootP
Click on the "Start" button in the opened dialog window.
This will activate the inquiry/response mechanism of the BootP protocol.
A series of messages will be displayed in the BootP server. The error mes-
sages indicate that some services (i.e. port 67, port 68) in the operating sys-
tem have not been defined.