De-stoning machine EP 1000
Version: 136401000_M0014772F_EN400/50D
Datum: 15.01.2021
- 27 / 40 -
Servicing and Repairs
8.1 General
The mechanical and electrical equipment requires regular servicing if it is to fulfil its tasks satisfactorily at all times.
The general safety notes the documentation/Operating Manual must be adhered to without fail.
The component-specific notes listed below must be observed!
Before taking the machine/line apart into its components the Operating Manual including all drawings, must be
carefully studied!
The machine/line is constructed so as to require very little servicing. The servicing work required is concentrated on
the few activities listed in the Operating Manual at the intervals as given.
The machine/line is to be checked regularly in compliance with operational experience. Parts that are recognisably
damaged are to be replaced at an early date to avoid subsequent damage and down-time.
Servicing is a preventative measure. The not maintaining of instructions and intervals can put
persons at risk, Reduce the efficiency of or damage the machine/line or of the machine/line parts.
Before assembly or dis-assembly is begun on the machine/line, the safety instructions that are
described in the chapter "Safety requirements for the operating state" must be followed without fail.
Interrupting your work on the machine power supply and secure against accidental before
reconnecting it and turning.
Non compliance can mean severe personal injury.
Before starting work on parts of the electrical system measures must be taken to ensure that it is
not live. the order of the safety rules is as follows:
1.) clearing by interrupting the electrical circuit
2.) secure against switching on by unauthorised persons
3.) place appropriate warning notices
4.) ensure that power supply is switched off
5.) effectively isolate any neighbouring live parts from the working area
The above mentioned measures are then ended in reverse order, when the maintenance work is