Definition of accuracy
Accuracy in ± (% of r display error in counts (= number of smallest points)). The ac-
curacy is valid for one year at a temperature of +23 °C (± 5 °C), and at a relative humidity of less
than 75%, non-condensing. The accuracy is valid after 30 minutes of operating time.
The accuracy can be impaired if the device is exposed to high-frequency or strong electromag-
netic fields.
Field strength (3 V/m): total accuracy = specified ac 5% (of the range)
Field strength (>3 V/m): not specified
DC voltage output “mV/DC”
Max. output range
100 mV
-10.00 – 125.00 mV
0.001 mV
≤25 mV: ±(0.05% + 20)
>25 mV: ±(0.05% + 3)
1000 mV
0 – 1100.0 mV
0.1 mV
±(0.05% + 3)
-10 to +18 °C, +28 to +55 °C temperature coefficient: ±0.005% of the measuring range/°C
Max. load: 1 mA of 1 kΩ. Choose a light load.
Resistance output “Ω”
Max. output range Resolution
External excita-
tion current
500 Ω
0.0 – 500.0 Ω
0.1 Ω
0.075 mA – 3.0 mA
±(0.05% + 2)
5000 Ω
0.0 – 5000.0 Ω
1 Ω
7.5 µA – 0.3 mA
±(0.05% + 2)
-10 to +18 °C, +28 to +55 °C temperature coefficient: ±0.005% of the measuring range/°C