1. Follow the steps in chapter 4.7.1: "configuring the
target device" before proceeding.
4.7.1 ConFigURing ThE TARgET DEviCE, page 60
2. now, select the option „network and streaming
configuration“. You can also select the "Push to FtP"
option here. Instructions on which settings must be
made in order to store your data directly on an FtP
server can be found here:
4.7.6 PUsh To FTP, page 67
In this case, however, leave the "Push to FtP"
function unselected.
4. now connect the green "VuLan cable for network
connection" to your VucaM
+. remove the cover
flap on the VucaM
+ first in order to do so. If neces-
sary, use the supplied Lan-Lan inline coupler (Lan-
Lan connection adapter).
5. connect the other end of the VuLan cable to your
Note: The other end of the VULAN
A broadcast in a network that con-
nects wiFi and lAn in the same iT ad-
dress space can cause all lAn/wiFi
connections to become unstable or
lead to malfunction of the network.
cable must be connected to a network and not to
a PC/Laptop!
6. take another network cable and connect one end
to your router/network (the device where you have
connected the VuLan cable. connect the other end
of the cable to your device, e.g. Pc or Laptop.
7. go back to your Pc/Laptop and continue the net-
work configuration by clicking
in the configuration menu.
1. choose option "VucaM
-Lan-Pc" in the menu "se-
lect connection type" and click on
2. In the next menu ("video stream configuration") se-
lect the option "stream to one target (unicast) stream
target will be this Pc" and click on the bottom right
Make sure that both devices
+ and PC/laptop) are connec-
ted to the same network. if you want
to push your files to an FTP server
later on, the network has to have ac-
cess to the internet.
To use the vUCAM
-lAn-PC functions,
the lAn/wiFi connection MUsT be as-
signed a dynamic iP. The image is not
streamed onto the device if your
PC/laptop has a static iP. in case you
experience problems, contact your
network administrator.
vUCAM-lAn-PC sTREAM To onE DEviCE only