Beat2Phone ECG Instruction Manual
Beat2Phone application is in the normal or professional user profile’s start
menu view and connected to the sensor and Internet.
There is a new version of the firmware available.
The application will prompt the user to update the firmware if these preconditions
are met. The update takes a few minutes. The sensor must not be connected to
the charging connector during this time.
Firmware update is not possible in the patient profile.
Figure 7-1: The firmware update prompt
Testing the sensor
The sensor can be tested to see if it is functioning normally. To start the test,
. During the
test, the sensor sends a test signal to the mobile device. If the test signal is gen-
erated and sent to the mobile device correctly, the test is passed. The test lasts
around 3 minutes. The sensor should not be charged or attached to a patient
during the test, and it should be kept away from other electronic devices.
Testing should be performed regularly to ensure that the sensor is working as in-
tended. Only the professional user can perform the test.