Beat2Phone ECG Instruction Manual
recipient(s) you want to send the mm paper to and send the email. The mm pa-
per will be sent as an image file that can be opened with normal image viewing
Uploading and viewing sensor recordings: Patient user
Recordings stored in the sensor memory must be transferred to the mobile de-
vice before the recordings can be viewed in the application. After recording is
stopped, detach the sensor from the strap and place it in the charging connector.
Connect the charging connector to a mains power supply. A file upload dialog
will be displayed in the application to start transfer of stored files to the mobile
device. The mobile device must be within few meters from the sensor to transfer
the files. An individual recording can also be transferred by selection in the His-
tory view. See
Figure 6-13Figure 6-13
Figure 6-16Figure 6-16
Patients can upload, view and annotate their own ECG recordings in the mobile
device in the
Patient history view
. Patients cannot delete their recordings or
share the EDF+ files.
The measurement time is taken from the mobile device. We recommended that
the date, time and time zone settings in the mobile device are automatically ob-
tained from network service provider.
Identifying problems with recorded ECG waveforms
If the electrodes are not properly attached, the user is moving too much, or the
user is very close to some electronic devices, the ECG signal can be too noisy
for analysis. If the user wears a pacemaker, it may cause visible notches on the
recorded ECG signal. In the presence of disturbances or artefacts, the heart rate
will not be correctly calculated and could be displayed as exceptionally high. Ob-
serve any warnings and avoid situations that cause signal artefacts. Here are
some examples of proper and noisy ECG signals (or missing ECG signals).
Figure 6-22: A proper ECG waveform.