Beat2Phone ECG Instruction Manual
memory. The Monitoring view will additionally show the last four digits of the sen-
sor MAC address as well as the mobile device battery charge. Touching the icon
displays more info on the status.
Figure 6-12: Left to right – Sensor battery status, leads on/off, sensor memory status,
and monitoring ongoing status
The blue heart icon indicates that sensor has monitoring ongoing. This is useful
in case the application stops for some reason and opens to the monitoring start
view – sensor ongoing monitoring status is visible.
Application - consumer user
A private consumer user can do measurements and use all the tools and options
a professional user has available. The key differences are that a private user
cannot join an organization and cannot create patient profiles; a private user can
only perform measurements on themselves. A private user only has to create a
profile and connect the sensor, after which measurements can be started.
A consumer user is required to accept the privacy statement in order to
activate the user profile.
In profile settings, a consumer user can choose to store recordings in the
Cloud storage for the recordings
The patient recordings are stored to the Beat2Phone ECG cloud service when
SETTINGS-> ‘Save history to cloud’ is selected.
Consumer users’ recordings are stored to the Beat2Phone ECG cloud service
selected by the user. SETTINGS option is only available if the cloud storage op-
tion has been selected.
The cloud is used only for storing recordings and markings. No data is processed
in the cloud service.
Data stored in the cloud can be retrieved to any supported mobile device via the
Profile changes
Professional and consumer users can edit their profile information from the pro-
file management view by selecting EDIT PROFILE, making changes and con-
firming them with a profile password or a combination of a profile username and
a password.