Beat2Phone ECG Instruction Manual
When the sensor is connected to the powered charging connector and is not
yet fully charged, the White LED stays lit until battery is fully charged. →
CAUTION: Do not remove from charger until fully charged.
When the sensor is connected to the powered charging connector and fully
charged, the Green LED will be lit.
When a recording is being transferred from the sensor memory to the mobile
device, the Blue LED will blink rapidly.
When the sensor is turned on and less than 5% of battery is left, the Orange
LED will blink once per second.
When a charging circuit malfunction is detected, with the sensor is connected
to the charging connector, the Orange LED is blinking rapidly.
When the sensor is on and connected to a charging connector without mains
connection, the orange LED blinks leads on, no heartbeat detected.
More visual indicators are available in the Beat2Phone ECG Application that’s
running on a mobile device with a BLE connection to the sensor.
The heart symbol on the sensor lid indicates correct connection orientation, if the
tip of the heart points down when connected to the strap on the chest.
Figure 6-32: The heart symbol indicates the correct orientation of the sensor.
Sensor connection to the mobile device
The Beat2Phone application runs on a mobile device and needs a connection to
the sensor to start monitoring and recording the live ECG signal, to stop the re-
cording, and to retrieve the recording from the sensor’s memory.
The application’s main menu includes a dialog for connecting an active sensor. A
list of active sensors is displayed, and the user must choose the sensor by se-
lecting the matching MAC Address on the sensor label with the MAC address
visible on the Beat2Phone ECG Android
application selection list. Once the se-
lection is done, the application will only connect that sensor, until it is discon-
nected in the application settings menu by selecting FORGET SENSOR (MAC
Once the recording is started, the sensor does not need the application to store
the recording to its memory.
An active sensor provides the application with information about battery charge,
memory usage and electrode leads connection which the application can monitor
per the connected sensor.
The iOS version of the Beat2Phone ECG Application does not include the MAC address in the se-
lection list.