Beat2Phone ECG Instruction Manual
from the snap contacts. See chapter 8 for problem resolution in case the sensor
is unresponsive.
Beat2Phone ECG Application
Consumer users can install the Beat2Phone ECG Application on Android mobile
devices from Google Play Store, and on IPhone from the Apple store.
The Android mobile device provided for professional users and patients as part
of the VitalSignum service is locked so that the user cannot access anything else
on the mobile device other than the Beat2Phone ECG Application. The applica-
tion includes different views and functions for professional users and patient us-
ers. Patient users can safely use all device functions, but the Professional view
in the mobile application is only intended for professional use and cannot be ac-
cessed by patient users.
Internet connection is required for the mobile application full functionality. User
profile creation, restoration and changes do not work without an Internet connec-
tion. ECG registration does not require Internet access once the profile is acti-
Application - professional user
When the application is opened for the first time in the mobile device, it prompts
you to create a profile. You can either create a new profile or restore an existing
profile to the mobile device. For a new profile, you are asked to select between a
private personal profile or a professional profile. Select the professional profile
for the healthcare application, and set a username, password and your organiza-
tional email address.
Figure 6-2: View when app is opened for the first time.
When a professional profile has been created, the
Professional start view
displayed. This view is also shown if the mobile device already has a private or
professional profile defined. In this case you can open the Profiles view by tap-
ping the symbol at the top right. You can select and create a new Professional
profile or restore an existing profile in the Profiles view. NOTE: When using a pri-
vate Personal profile you cannot join an organization and enter patient infor-
mation. Personal profile users will only see Private user views.