9 Services
n) Continue with the remaining Routers at e).
3. via Download / Upload:
corresponds to point 1 of gure
a) Use the button [Download] to generate a tgz le.
b) Now you can save the tgz le on your own computer.
c) Disconnect the Server from the LAN port.
d) Connect a Client to your PC via the LAN port with an Ethernet cable.
e) Then open your browser and type the IP Address into the address bar.
f) Logon the Web UI (Webinterface) see section
g) Open the SimpleVPN site.
h) You can upload the generated tgz le in the area Apply pre-congured settings to apply
the conguration to the secondary device. Click on [Browse] and select the tgz le from
your computer.
i) Please choose the corresponding Client. Use the button [Selected] to apply the Client
congurations. The button [Selected] will be displayed in green.
j) Continue with the remaining Routers at e). Existing congurations
Attention: Changes in the exsiting VPN network should only be made if it is necessary. There
are two options to modify existing congurations.
1. via Cable:
a) Make sure that the devices are connected together via the LAN port.
b) Using the button [via Cable] in the area Get Partner conguration to get the con-
guration from the secondary device .
c) Now you can modify the conguration.
d) When the necessary settings have been made, click on the button
[Save & Apply]
wait for the changes to be applied.
e) Transfer the conguration see in section
2. via USB:
a) Check that the conguration is available on your USB stick. It is the folder VS-Router
with congurations, certicates and keys les.
b) Connect the USB stick with the USB port on the device.
c) Using the button [via USB] in the area Get Partner conguration to get the cong-
uration from the secondary device.
d) Now you can modify the conguration.
Juli 2016
VPNRouter Software Manual