7 Network
7.2.3. Local Network
Figure 45: Wi Network
These are the nal parameters for WLAN conguration. Network Name (ESSID) defnes which
WLAN network to connect to. The Operation mode is either Join (Client) or Provide (Access
Point). The Encryption mode supports:
No Encryption: Only use that in Client Mode, when the WLAN net does not support security.
WEP: This is an old and weak way of security. Only use that in Client Mode, when the
WLAN net does not support better security.
WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK and WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK Mixed Mode: This is state of the art
encryption. Use this in Access Point Mode, and select a secure Pre-Shared-Key (PSK). WPA2
is the best choice, but WPA is still secure.
WPA-Radius and WPA2-Radius: These are usable in Client Mode only, since in AP Mode
the Device does not have access to a Radius Server for Authentication.
In the eld Key enter the so-called Passphrase for the Wireless LAN. In combination with the
ESSID this denes the PSK for encryption.
Juli 2016
VPNRouter Software Manual