8 System
8.2. Language
Figure 52: Select Language
The Web UI (User Interface) supports dierent languages. In the drop-down you may select auto,
Deutsch and English. With auto the Web UI tries to follow your system conguration, i.e. the
language your browser uses. In certain congurations this may fail. The other entries do not need
explanation. Save the conguration using the button
as usual.
8.3. Admin Password
Figure 53: Set Admin Password
By default there is no password set. On this page you can set a password. Click on the button
and wait for the changes to be applied. A password protects the Web UI (User Interface)
against unauthorized access.
8.4. Backup/Restore
The purpose of this functions are given on the web interface. There are some functions on the web
page, explained block by block.
Juli 2016
VPNRouter Software Manual