6 Logon to the Device
Click on Login to get access to the conguration. On top of the screen is a classic Pull-Down
Menu, but you may also click on the buttons itself. For function of Logout this is mandatory.
Figure 33: Pull Down Menu
Note the down-arrow on the buttons Network, System, Services and Logout. When the mouse
hovers over one of these buttons, the list of menu items opens. Use the mouse to click on one of
the items. There are two views (Administation and Essentials) of the web interface, we only
describe the Essentials view. Use the Administration view if you are experienced and need special
(a) Save and Reset but-
(b) Apply Changes
Figure 34: Save Conguration Changes
The pages use two buttons on the bottom right to apply the parameters, or discard the changes.
will save the new parameters, and apply them automatically. For a short time
a display like gure
will appear. The Button
will discard any modications in the
conguration forms, back to the last operation of saving or entry to the page.
Juli 2016
VPNRouter Software Manual