8 System
Figure 54: Backup/Restore
8.4.1. Download backup
Click Generate archive to download a tar archive of the current conguration les.
8.4.2. Reset to defaults
Reset this device to factory settings. Attention: This is not a start conguration your company
may have provided. Also it is possible this operation disconnects the device from the Internet. So
it is recommended to only perform this in person at the device. To discard the conguration in the
Device click on the Perform reset link.
8.4.3. Restore backup
To restore conguration les, you can upload a previously generated backup archive.
8.5. Flash Firmware
Figure 55: Flash Firmware
To ash the rmware upload the new rmware image. The current rmware image of the VPNRouter
can be downloaded from ...... . Attention: By default the checkmark is set. Please make sure that
the checkmark in the box is set to keep the current conguration. Otherwise the settings will be
reset to the default conguration when the ash process is done.
Juli 2016
VPNRouter Software Manual