1 Introduction
1. Introduction
The system VPNRouter impresses with its quality and robustness. This makes it possible to use the
VPNRouter in dierent areas. Of course, the VPNRouter also has the latest security features such
as a rewall or VPN. In general there is a trade-o between ease-of-use and security, VPNRouter
optimizes this. The system is easy to install and use, but at the same time oers security given by
strong encryption standards.
1.1. Manual Strategy and Details
This manual covers the conguration of the VPNRouter in detail.
1.2. Typing Conventions
When describing the manual has to reference some components visible on the screen. For better
identication the reference is supported by showing the text in certain styles.
Software text is written in a slanted style. Such item represents text output written on the screen.
User Input Input forms require the user to type some data on the keyboard. Text written in style
of a typewriter represents this input.
[A Button] Controling the software will also require to click some [buttons] . These buttons
are represented by the name on them. The name is written in typewriter style on silver
background, and surrounded by brackets.
[A Button]
Further there are some
[blue buttons]
to control the web interface. These buttons
are again represented by the name on them. This time the name is written in typewriter style
white colour on blue background, still surrounded by brackets.
Component The manual will reference some components on the Device, then the name of it is
written in bold.
Juli 2016
VPNRouter Software Manual