14.13. Q13: Can I use Remote VEConfigure, as I was doing with the VGR2? .......................................... 66
14.14. Q14: The Blue Power Panel could be powered through the VE.Net network, can I also do that with a
Color Control GX? .............................................................................................................. 66
14.15. Q15: What type of networking is used by the Color Control GX (TCP and UDP ports)? ....................... 66
14.16. Q16: What is the functionality behind the menu item Remote support (SSH), in the Ethernet menu? ....... 67
14.17. Q17: I don’t see support for VE.Net products in the list, is that still coming? .................................... 67
14.18. Q18: What is the data usage of the Color Control GX? ............................................................ 67
14.19. Q19: How many AC Current Sensors can I connect in one VE.Bus system? ................................... 67
14.20. Q20: Issues with Multi not starting when CCGX is connected / Caution when powering the CCGX from
the AC-out terminal of a VE.Bus Inverter, Multi or Quattro ................................................................ 67
14.21. Q21: I love Linux, programming, Victron and the CCGX. Can I do more? ....................................... 68
14.22. Q22: How do I change the logo ....................................................................................... 68
14.23. Q23: Multi restarts all the time (after every 10sec) ................................................................. 68
14.24. Q24: What is Error #42? ............................................................................................... 69
............................................................................................................... 69
15. More information .................................................................................................................. 70
Color Control GX Manual