14.12. Q12: I have a VGR with IO Extender, how can I replace this with a Color
Control GX?
It is not yet possible to replace the IO Extender functionality.
14.13. Q13: Can I use Remote VEConfigure, as I was doing with the VGR2?
Yes, see
14.14. Q14: The Blue Power Panel could be powered through the VE.Net
network, can I also do that with a Color Control GX?
No, a Color Control GX always needs to be powered itself.
14.15. Q15: What type of networking is used by the Color Control GX (TCP and
UDP ports)?
• The Color Control GX needs to have a valid IP address including a working DNS server and gateway. By default obtained from
a DHCP server. Manual configuration is also possible.
• DNS port 53 UDP and TCP
• NTP (time sync) UDP port 123
VRM Portal:
• Data is transmitted to the VRM Portal via HTTPS POST and GET requests to http://ccgxlogging.victronenergy.com on port 443.
There is an option in the menu to use HTTP instead, port 80. Note that in that case it will still send sensitive data such as
remote Console related access keys over HTTPS/443.
Firmware updates:
• The CCGX connects to https://updates.victronenergy.com/ on port 443.
Remote support and Remote Console on VRM:
• An outbound reverse SSH connection is made to supporthosts.victronenergy.com when either one, or both, of those features
are enabled. The supporthosts.victronenergy.com record resolves to multiple IP addresses, and the DNS uses Geo-Location to
resolve it to the nearest server. This outbound SSH connection tries multiple ports: port 22, port 80 or port 443. The first that
works is used, and in case it loses connection it will retry them all again.
• No port forwarding or other internet router configuration is necessary to use these features.
• More information about the Remote Support feature is in the next FAQ item.
• More information about trouble shooting Remote Console on VRM is in here:
Remote Console on VRM - Trouble shooting [47]
Two way communication (Remote VEConfig and Remote Firmware updates):
• Pre-v2.20: Uses HTTPS (port 443) to the Pubnub servers
• v2.20 and later: connects to mqtt-rpc.victronenergy.com on port 443; and also connects to the mqtt{1 to 128}.victronenergy.com
server farm. See this document for more information.
• When enabled, a local MQTT broker is started, which accepts TCP connections on port 8883 (SSL) and 1883 (Plain text).
• Depending on, the CCGX will also (try to) connect to the Victron MQTT cloud servers. This connection always uses SSL and
port 8883.
Remote Console on LAN:
• Remote Console on LAN requires port 80 (small website hosted the GX Device). And also requires port 81, which is the
listening port for the websocket tunnel to VNC.
Modbus TCP:
• When enabled, the ModbusTCP server listens on the common designated port for Modbus TCP, which is 502.
SSH Root Access
• Port 22 - see the Venus OS root access documentation.
• This is a software developers feature.
Color Control GX Manual
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