The disadvantage of cutting pin 7 is that switching the VE.Bus device off will be less effective: although it will stop charging and
inverting, it will still be in standby mode and therefore drawing more current from the battery than if pin 7 had been left in place.
Typically this is only relevant in Marine or Automotive systems where it's normal to regularly switch the VE.Bus device off. For
those types of systems we recommend that you do not cut pin 7, but simply power the CCGX from the battery.
14.21. Q21: I love Linux, programming, Victron and the CCGX. Can I do more?
Yes you can! We intend to release almost all code as open source, but we are not that far yet. What we can offer today is that
many parts of the software are in script or other non-precompiled languages, such as Python and QML, and therefore available
on your Color Control GX and easy to change. Root password and more information is available
14.22. Q22: How do I change the logo
Typic the following address into the web browser of a device connected to the same network. Using this address as a
(inserting your device’s IP address between the square brackets). The IP address can be found
14.23. Q23: Multi restarts all the time (after every 10sec)
Please check the remote switch connection on the Multi control PCB. There should be a wire bridge between the left and middle
terminal. The CCGX switches a line which enables the power of the Multi control board. After 10 seconds this line is released and
the Multi should take over from there. When the remote switch connection is not wired the Multi is unable to take over it's own
supply. The CCGX will retry, the Multi will boot and after 10 seconds stop, and so on.
Color Control GX Manual
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