8.2. DVCC Requirements
Battery compatilibity
For CAN-bus connected batteries, check the relevant page on the Battery Compatibility manual to see if enabling DVCC has
been tested with your battery-type and is supported. If DVCC is not mentioned in notes relating to your battery, do not enable
For Gel, AGM, OPzS and other lead batteries, DVCC can be used without any problem. The same is true for Victron Energy
lithium batteries with the VE.Bus BMS, the Lynx Ion + Shunt BMS or the Lynx Ion BMS. DVCC is the preferred operating mode for
Redflow ZBM2/ZCell batteries using the Redflow CANBus BMS.
Firmware versions
Do not use DVCC in cases where these requirements are not met. In all cases we recommend to install the latest available
firmware during commissioning. Once running well, there is no need to pro-actively update firmware without reason. In case of
difficulty, the first action is to update firmware.
Required minimum firmware versions:
• Multi/Quattro: 422
• MultiGrid: 424
• CCGX: v2.12
• VE.Direct MPPTs: v1.46
• VE.Can MPPTs with VE.Direct: v1.04
• Older style VE.Can MPPT Solar Chargers (with the screen) cannot be used: they do not support the new control mechanisms.
• Lynx Ion + Shunt: v2.04
• Lynx BMS: v1.09
From Venus firmware v2.40, there will be a warning message 'Error #48 - DVCC with incompatible firmware' when one of the
devices has an incompatible firmware while using DVCC.
In case of an ESS System, the ESS Assistant needs to be version 164 or later (Released in November 2017).
8.3. DVCC effects on the charge algorithm
Our inverter/chargers and MPPT Solar Chargers use their own internal charge algorithm when in stand-alone mode. This means
that they determine how long to remain in Absorption, when to switch to Float, when to switch back to Bulk, or Storage. And in
those various phases they use the configured parameters in VictronConnect and VEConfigure.
In certain systems, the internal charge algorithm is disabled, and the charger is then working with an externally controlled charge
voltage target.
This guide explains the different possibilities:
The internal charge algorithm (bulk → absorption → float → re-bulk), and the configured charge voltages are active.
Inverter/charger indicated charge state: bulk, absorption, float, and-so-forth.
MPPT indicated charge state: bulk, absorption, float and-so-forth. (firmware version v1.42 onwards. Earlier versions have a bug
that make the MPPT say “Ext. Control” when it is only being current limited; its internal charge algorithm still active.
Inverter/charger (applies to MPPTs only)
The MPPTs internal charge algorithm is disabled; instead it's being controlled by a charge voltage setpoint coming from the
Color Control GX Manual
Page 38
DVCC - Distributed Voltage and Current