Safe Riding Practices
• Reduce speed when:
• the road has potholes, or is otherwise rough or uneven.
• the road contains sand, dirt, gravel or other loose substances.
• the road is wet, icy or oily.
• the road contains painted surfaces, manhole covers, metal grating, railway crossings or other
slippery surfaces.
• The weather is windy, rainy or otherwise causing slippery or rapidly changing conditions.
• Traffic is heavy, congested, not allowing sufficient space between vehicles or otherwise not flow-
ing smoothly.
• You are being passed in either direction by a large vehicle that may produce a wind blast in its
• To maximize braking effectiveness,
use the front and rear brakes together.
Be aware of the
following braking facts and practices:
• The rear brake provides 40% of the motorcycle's stopping power, at most. Use the front and rear
brakes together.
• To avoid skidding, apply the brakes gradually when the road is wet or rough, or contains loose or
other slippery substances.
• If possible, avoid applying the brakes while making a turn. Motorcycle tires have less traction
during turns, so braking will increase the possibility of skidding. Bring the motorcycle to the
upright position before applying the brakes.
• When approaching a curve, choose a speed and lean angle that allows you to pass through
the curve in your own lane without applying the brakes. Excessive speed, improper lean
angle or braking in a curve can cause loss of control.
• Ground clearance is reduced when the motorcycle leans. Do not allow components to
contact the road surface when leaning the motorcycle in a curve, as this could cause loss of
• Retract the sidestand fully before riding. If the sidestand is not fully retracted, it could
contact the road surface and cause loss of control.
• Do not tow a trailer. Towing a trailer can make the motorcycle hard to handle.
Anti-Lock Brake System Response
• When the anti-lock brakes engage during a braking event, the rider will feel pulsing at the
brake levers.
Continue to apply steady pressure to the brakes for the best stopping