Cross Country MAGNUM Audio System
Audio System Diagnostics
The audio system diagnostic menu allows
the following actions for you or your
VICTORY dealer:
• View radio software version
• Perform left-hand audio control key pad tests
• Set radio tuner location
• View vehicle speed
Diagnostic Menu Access
1. Press and hold
to turn the radio off.
2. Turn the power switch OFF.
3. Turn the power switch ON.
4. Press and hold
for several seconds.
5. The Radio Version screen will appear if
steps 1-4 were performed correctly.
If you do not see this screen, perform steps
1-4 again.
6. Press and release
to move to Key
Pad Diagnostics.
Key Pad Diagnostics
Key pad diagnostics allows the user to the
test the function of each button on the left-
hand audio control block.
1. Press and release each of the audio
control buttons to test the function of
each button.
2. Observe the display after each button is
pressed. The screen will display the
button name by its function. If nothing
displays, the button is not working. See
your authorized dealer for service.
3. Press and release
to view UI
4. Press and release
to move to Tuner
Location Settings.
Blank Display: Selected audio
button failed
Function Displays: Selected audio
button operates properly