Revision A3
Auto-refresh: Check this box to refresh the page automatically. Automatic refresh occurs
every 3 seconds.
Refresh: Click to refresh the page.
Clear: Clears the counters for all ports.
3-2.2 Detailed Statistics
The section describes how to provide detailed traffic statistics for a specific switch port. Use the
port select box to select which switch port details to display.
The displayed counters are the totals for receive and transmit, the size counters for receive and
transmit, and the error counters for receive and transmit.
Web Interface
To display per Port detailed Port Statistics Overview in the web interface:
Click Monitor, Ports, then Detailed Port Statistics.
Scroll the Port Index to select which port you want to show the detailed.
Port statistics overview”.
If you want to auto-refresh the information then you need to evoke the “Auto-refresh”.
Click “Refresh” to refresh the port detailed statistics or clear all information when you click
Figure 3-2.2: The Detailed Port Statistics