Revision A3
Show the current time of the system. The year of system date limits between 2011 and 2037.
Time Zone Configuration
Time Zone
Lists various Time Zones worldwide. Select appropriate Time Zone from the drop down and
click Apply to set.
User can set the acronym of the time zone. This is a User configurable acronym to identify
the time zone. (Range: Up to 16 characters)
Daylight Saving Time Configuration
Daylight Saving Time
This is used to set the clock forward or backward according to the configurations set below
for a defined Daylight Saving Time duration. Select 'Disable' to disable the Daylight Saving
Time configuration. Select 'Recurring' and configure the Daylight Saving Time duration to
repeat the configuration every year. Select 'Non-Recurring' and configure the Daylight
Saving Time duration for single time configuration. (Default: Disabled).
Recurring Configuration
Start time settings
Week - Select the starting week number.
Day - Select the starting day.
Month - Select the starting month.
Hours - Select the starting hour.
Minutes - Select the starting minute.
End time settings
Week - Select the ending week number.
Day - Select the ending day.
Month - Select the ending month.
Hours - Select the ending hour.
Offset settings
Offset - Enter the number of minutes to add during Daylight Saving Time. (Range: 1 to 1440)
The “Start Time Settings” and “End Time Settings” are
displayed based on what you set in the “Start Time Settings” and “End
Time Settings” fields.
These buttons are displayed on the Time page:
Apply – Click to save changes.
Reset - Click to undo any changes made locally and revert to previously saved values.