Eliminating Air Leaks at the Fire Door
Tools required
7/16” Combination Wrench (box
& open)
9/16” Combination Wrench (box
& open)
Flat file, medium cut
Wire Brush
Rubber Mallet, 4 lbs. dead blow
7/32” Allen Wrench
Gasket Cement, 3 oz. tube
Refer to step 41 of the assembly section of this manual. If a good door seal cannot be
achieved, remove the doors and re-gasket them following the instructions in the gasketing
section of this manual. If the right fire door seals and the left does not, remove the left
door. Strip the old gasket from its groove and clean the groove thoroughly with the wire
brush. Apply an unbroken bead of gasket cement in the bottom of the groove. Cut a 4”
length of 1/8” thermocord gasket and place it in the bottom of the groove. Press the
gasket into the groove evenly and trim off the excess. Apply an unbroken bead of gasket
cement onto the 1/8” thermocord gasket and the sides of the gasket groove. Cut a 4”
length of 5/16” thermocord gasket and place it in the groove evenly all the way around
and trim off the excess. Install the left door and proceed with the door adjustment
outlined in step 41 of the assembly section of this manual.