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In order to ensure safe operation of cranes, the proper working and operational condition shall be maintained
according to standard ISO 9927.
This requirement covers also special assessments to be carried out by an expert engineer at regular intervals to
check the remaining Safe Working Period (SWP) of the hoist as stated in standard ISO 12482-1.
The condition monitoring unit (CID) provides two different SWP values: the runtime-based SWP (CID parameter 2-
12 SWPRT% ) and the working cycle-based SWP (CID parameter 2-15: SWPHC%).
The CID display of the data counter SWP always shows the lesser value of two parameters.
Runtime-based SWP versus working cycle-based SWP
The runtime-based SWP data found in parameter SWPRT% (2-12) is indicating the effects of runtime and loads on
the rotating machinery of the hoist.
The working cycle-based SWP data found in parameter SWPHC% (2-15) is indicating the effects of cycles and
loads on the steel structure of the hoist.
When the runtime-based SWP (SWPRT%) has reached zero and parameter SWPHC% is indicating greater than
50%, the General Overhaul service specified by the manufacturer can be carried out.
When the runtime-based SWP (SWPRT%) has reached zero and SWPHC% is less than 50%, the hoist shall be
replaced and not considered for General Overhaul.
When the working cycle-based SWP (SWPHC%) is zero, the hoist shall be replaced and not considered for
General Overhaul.
In the GO service, the product is assigned with a new, runtime-based SWP, provided that it is safe to continue the
operation. The runtime-based SWP means the lifetime of the interchangeable rotating components of the hoist like
gearbox, hoisting motor, and rope sheaves. The same hoisting machinery can undergo no more than two GOs
before it must be replaced completely:
SWP = Safe Working Period
RSWP = Runtime-based Safe Working Period
GO1 = First General Overhaul
GO2 = Second General Overhaul
T = Time
Conditions for General Overhaul
The following figure summarizes the conditions based on which General Overhaul can be performed.