2.4.1 Saving a Test
1. From any screen with a STORE F-key, press it and the test
is saved with a generic filename as a CSV file that can be
opened with most spreadsheet programs. These files are
stored in the MMC card under RESULT > CSV.
2.4.2 Viewing a Stored Test
1. From the module main menu, select VIEW/STORE/PRINT.
2. Select the desired file with
and press F1 to view the
stored result.
3. Use
to scroll through the available screens.
4. When finished, press ESC.
2.4.3 Printing a Stored Test
1. Connect a SunSet printer to the serial port of the test set.
• For other types of printers or for more information, refer to
the Storing and Printing chapter in the test set chassis User’s
2. From the module main menu, select VIEW/STORE/PRINT.
3. Select the desired file with and press F3 and the file will
begin printing.
4. When finished, press ESC.
2.4.4 Deleting a Stored Test
1. From the module main menu, select VIEW/STORE/PRINT.
2. Select the desired file with
and press DELETE (more,
F3) and the file is deleted if unlocked.
3. When finished, press ESC.
2.4.5 Locking and Unlocking a Stored Test
1. From the module main menu, select VIEW/STORE/PRINT.
2. Select the desired file with
and press UN/LOCK (more,
F2) and the file is locked or unlocked as indicated to the right
of the file name. Refer to the lock icon shown in Figure 41.
3. When finished, press ESC.
2.4.6 Renaming a Stored Test
1. From the module’s main menu, select VIEW/STORE/PRINT.
2. Select the desired file with
• Press UN/LOCK (more, F2) if the file is locked as indicated
by the lock icon as in Figure 41.
3. Press RENAME (F1) and a character entry screen like the one
shown in Figure 42 is displayed.
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