Options: LLC (F1), VC MUX (F2), AUTO (F3)
Choose the encapsulation method for carrying traffic over AAL
Type 5 over ATM as described in RFC 2684.
• LLC: Logical Link Control based on IEEE standard 802.2. It is
used when multiple protocols are encapsulated over a single
ATM virtual connection.
• VC MUX: (not in CLIPoA or PPPoE modes) Used when only one
protocol is carried over a single ATM virtual connection.
• AUTO: (not in CLIPoA or PPPoE modes) Use this to automati-
cally detect the encapsulation.
(not in LLC-RTE or CLIPoA)
Options: STATIC (F1), DHCP (F2, only in LLC-BRG MODE), DY-
NAMIC (F2, only in PPP mode)
• STATIC: The IP address is statically assigned to the user. Enter
the known IP address in the LOCAL IP field.
• DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol provides a way
for devices to obtain protocol configuration parameters (local
IP address) dynamically from the network. In this, the IP ad
dress is not fixed to the device; instead the device requests
an address from a network DHCP server. When selected for IP
ADDRESS, the test set sends a DHCP request to the server;
the server responds and provides an IP address. Note that
upon selecting DHCP, the LOCAL IP setting disappears.
• DYNAMIC: Dynamic management provides a way for devices
to obtain protocol configuration parameters (local IP address)
dynamically from the network. In this case, the IP address
is not fixed to the device; instead, the terminal requests an
address from the network server. When selected for IP AD
DRESS, the test set sends a request to the server; the server
responds and provides an IP address to use. Note that upon
selecting DYNAMIC the LOCAL IP setting disappears.
Options: PAP (F1), CHAP (F2), AUTO (more F1), NONE (more,
F2, only in PPPoA MODE)
This ensures that only a valid device establishes a connection
with the network.
• PAP: Password Authentication Protocol as in RFC 1334. This
is the simplest method for authentication. It involves a two-
way handshake where one peer sends a user name and ID
to another peer network element. The receiving peer sends
back an authentication-acknowledge message either accept
ing or rejecting the user name and password. Note that when
selected, a password and ID will need to be entered.
MTT-14B e_Manual D07-00-083P RevA00
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