Basic Connections: RoboSHOT QCCU System
RoboSHOT QCCU systems ship with the camera and a Quick-Connect Universal CCU (QCCU). The
QCCU powers the camera and provides fine control over color and lighting (CCU) adjustments. This
system is designed for a live production environment and is typically installed with a camera controller and
multi-view preview monitor.
Connect the power cable from the QCCU to the camera's power port marked
36 VDC For QCCU Only
DO NOT connect it to the camera's EZ-Power Video port. Connecting the power cable from the QCCU to
the wrong port on the camera will damage the camera and void your warranty.
Pro Tip
Use the color coding on the camera and the QCCU – blue goes to blue, yellow/orange goes to
yellow/orange, red goes to red.
Complete Manual for RoboSHOT 12 and RoboSHOT 30 Robotic PTZ Cameras