A31003-C1000-M101-1-76A9, 03/2016
OpenScape Desk Phone CP200/400/600, Administrator Documentation
Dial Plan
OpenScape Desk Phone CP phones may optionally use a dial plan residing on the phone. By
means of the dial plan, the phone can infer from the digits entered by the user that a complete
call number has been entered, or that a particular prefix has been entered. Thus, the dialing
process can start without the need to confirm after the last digit has been entered, without delay
or with a configurable delay. The standard timer, which is found on the WBM under User menu
> Configuration > Outgoing calls > Autodial delay (seconds), is overridden if a dial plan rule is
A dial plan consists of rules defining patterns, timeouts and actions to be performed when a
pattern is matched and/or a timeout has expired. The phone can store one dialplan, which can
contain up to 48 different rules.
It is very important that the phone’s dial plan does not interfere with the dial plan in the SIP
server, PBX, or public network.
The dial plan can be created and uploaded to the phone using the DLS (please refer to the De-
ployment Service Administration Manual). The DLS can also export and import dial plans in
.csv format. For details about the composition of a dial plan, please refer to Section 5.5, “Ex-
ample Dial Plan”.
The current dial plan, along with its status (enabled/disabled) and error status can be displayed
on the WBM via Diagnostics > Fault trace configuration > Download dial plan file.
Dial plan ID
and the
Dial plan status
is displayed in the local menu.
To make use of the dial plan facility, the following requirements must be met:
A correct dial plan is loaded to the phone.
In the user menu,
Allow immediate dialing
is enabled. This condition is only necessary
for on-hook dialing, but not for off-hook dialing.
Dial plan enabled
is checked.
Administration via WBM (User menu)
User > Configuration > Outgoing calls > Allow immediate dialing
Autodial delay (seconds)
Allow callback
Outgoing calls
Allow busy when dialling
Allow transfer on ring
Allow immediate dialling