A31003-C1000-M101-1-76A9, 03/2016
OpenScape Desk Phone CP200/400/600, Administrator Documentation
Multiline Appearance/Keyset
Distinctive Ringers per Keyset Lines
For implicit mapping of line ringer names following format is to be used:
"Line-<DN of line>-Reserved"
Thus for a line with DN=1234 the mapped distinctive ringer name is "Line-1234-Reserved".
(The name is case-sensitive, mind the uppercase L and R in name.)
The name needs to be manually constructed and configured by Admin as a new ringer name
and each such name should be manually checked as being unique in the table.
The "User>Configuration>Keyset>Lines" form has the ’Destination Number’ of the line being
configured and this can be used to map directly to distinctive ringer names in the "Admin>Ring-
er setting" form. If a distinctive ringer with a matching name has not been configured into the
table then the Ringer related items Ringer, Ringer tone melody, and Ringer sequence in the
"User>Configuration>Keyset>Lines" form will be absent. If a matching distinctive ringer name
is found then the "Ringer" items are editable with the initially shown value being the same as
the value in the "Admin>Ringer setting" form. Changes made to the "Ringer" values by the User
will also change the matching distinctive ringer values in "Admin>Ringer setting".
Destinctive Ringers are not applicable for DSS Keys.
Data required
: Destinctive ringer name .
Value Range: "Line-<Destination Number of line>-Reserved"
Ringer sound
: Specifies whether pattern, i. e. melody, or a specific sound file is used as
Default: ’Pattern’
Pattern melody
: Determines the melody pattern if
Ringer sound
is set to ’Pattern’.
Value Range: 1,...,8
Pattern sequence
: Determines the length and repetitions of pattern.
Value Range: "1":1 sec ON, 4 sec OFF,
"2": 1 sec ON, 2 sec OFF
"3": 0.7 sec ON, 0.7 sec OFF, 0.7 sec ON, 3 sec OFF
Default: "1"
When using ’Distinctive Ringers per Keyset Lines’, it is not allowed to define ’bell-
core_dr1’, ’bellcore_dr2’, and ’bellcore_dr3’ in the same distinctive ringer table. Oth-
erwise these settings will be used because of higher priority in SIP-INVITE header.
MLPP and Lowel Impact Level calls are also with higher priority.