A31003-C1000-M101-1-76A9, 03/2016
OpenScape Desk Phone CP200/400/600, Administrator Documentation
System Settings
Data required
Registration timer (seconds)
: Expiry time of the registration in seconds.
Default value: 3600.
Server type
: Type of server the phone will register to.
Value range: "Other", "OS Voice", "HiQ8000", "Genesys"
Default value: "OS Voice"
: Protection domain for authentication.
User ID
: Username required for an authenticated registration.
: Password required for an authenticated registration.
If registration has not succeeded at startup or registration fails after having been pre-
viously successfully registered the phone will try to re-register every 30 seconds.
This is not configurable.
If the registration is not answered at all, the phone will try to re-register every 60 sec-
onds by default. This is configurable (see Section, “Maximum Registration
Backoff Timer”).