Access single-digit system/site Quick Keys by pressing the single digit on the keypad during scanning. Access two-digit
system Quick Keys by pressing
then both digits.
You can assign as many systems to the same quick key as you want.
To be scanned, a system’s Quick Key must be activated and the system must be unlocked.
Setting the Site Startup Key
Program System
Select a trunked system
Edit Site
Select a Site
Set Startup Key
Select a startup key from 0-9 or select “.” for no startup key.
To unlock the system at startup, press and hold the selected startup key while you turn on the scanner.
The system Quick Key is also enabled.
If you press a different key at startup, the system is locked out.
If you do not assign the system a startup key, the system is not affected by any key press during startup.
Setting Site Frequencies
Program System
Select a trunked system
Select the site
Edit Site
Set Frequencies
New Frequency
(or select an existing frequency)
Input a system frequency using the number keys and
key, then press
. If you are entering frequencies for an LTR or EDACS
system, the scanner will also prompt you to enter the LCN for the frequency you just entered. LCN’s (logical channel numbers) are
provided from the same source where you got the other system information.
To enter additional frequencies, press
, then
to select
New Frequency.
Then repeat the above.
: If you select Control Channel Only mode (see “ Setting Control-Channel Only (Motorola Systems Only)” on Page XX), you
only need to enter the frequency(s) that can be assigned as the control channel. Most frequency lists usually indicate which of the
frequencies are the control channel frequencies. Otherwise, you must enter all of the frequencies.
Setting Site Modulation
Program System
Select a trunked system
Edit Site
Select a Site
Set Modulation