Programming Manual UTG1000X Series
~ 120%.
<n>: Channel number, n takes value 1, 2.
Return Format
The query returns the modulation depth of the specified channel in scientific notation.
For Example
:CHANnel1:MODulate:DEPTh 50
Set the modulation depth for CH1 to 50%.
The query returns 5.01.
:RATio <ratio>
Set the modulation rate value for the specified channel. This instruction is only valid for the modulation with
rate function.
<ratio> represents rate, the unit is Hz.
<n>: Channel number, n takes value 1, 2.
Return Format
The query returns the modulation rate value of the specified channel in scientific notation.
For Example
:RATio 100
Set the bit rate for CH1 to 100Hz.
The query returns 1.e+2.
:CHANnel<n>:FM:FREQuency:DEV { <freq>}
Set the frequency deviation for the specified channel.
<freq> represents frequency deviation, the unit is Hz. The range is from 0Hz to the current fundamental
<n>: Channel number, n takes value 1, 2.
Return Format
The query returns the frequency deviation of the specified channel in scientific notation.
For Example
:CHANnel1:FM:FREQuency:DEV 2000
Set the frequency deviation for CH1 to 2KHz.
The query returns 2e+3.