Programming Manual UTG1000X Series
:CHANnel<n>:BASE:OFFSet {<voltage>}
Set the output DC offset for the specified channel.
<voltage> represents voltage, the unit is V. The range is from 0 to the maximum DC under the current load.
The maximum DC under the current load = the current load *10/ (50+ the current load) – the minimum value
under the current load. DC mode under /2
AC minimum value is 2mVpp, DC mode takes 0;
<n>: Channel number, n takes value 1, 2.
Return Format
The query returns the output DC offset of the specified channel in scientific notation.
For Example
Set the output DC offset of CH1 to 2V.
The query returns 2e+0.
:CHANnel<n>:BASE:HIGH {<voltage>}
Set the high level of signal output for the specified channel.
<voltage> represents voltage, the unit is the specified unit of the current channel.
<n>: Channel number, n takes value 1, 2.
Return Format
The query returns the high level of signal output of the specified channel in scientific notation.
For Example
Set the high level of signal output for CH1 to 2V.
The query returns 2e+0.
:CHANnel<n>:BASE:LOW {<voltage>}
Set the lower level of signal output for the specified channel.
<voltage> represents voltage, the unit is the specified unit of the current channel.
<n>: Channel number, n takes value 1, 2.
Return Format
The query returns the lower level of signal output of the specified channel in scientific notation.
For Example
Set the lower level of signal output for CH1 to 2V.
The query returns 2e+0.