Programming Manual UTG1000X Series
<n>: Channel number, n takes value 1, 2.
Return Format
The query returns the upper limit of amplitude of the specified channel in scientific notation.
For Example
:CHANnel1:BASE:PERiod 0.002
Set the output period of CH1 to 2ms.
The query returns 2e-3.
:CHANnel<n>:BASE:PHASe { <phase>}
Set the output phase for the specified channel.
<phase> represents phase, the unit is°. The range is -360~360.
<n>: Channel number, n takes value 1, 2.
Return Format
The query returns the output phase of the specified channel.
For Example
:CHANnel1:BASE:PHAse 20
Set the output phase of CH1 to 20°.
The query returns 20.
:CHANnel<n>:BASE:AMPLitude {<amp>}
Set the output amplitude for the specified channel.
<amp> represents voltage, the unit is the specified unit of the current channel. 1mVpp ~ the maximum
output value under the current load.
If the current unit is VPP, the maximum value under the current load = the current load *20/(50+ the current
<n>: Channel number, n takes value 1, 2.
Return Format
The query returns the output amplitude of the specified channel in scientific notation.
For Example
:CHANnel1:BASE:AMPLitude 2
Set the output amplitude of CH1 to 2V.
The query returns 2e+0.