Programming Manual UTG1000X Series
The available values for the parameter is “ON”
or “OFF”
For example, :SYSTem:LOCK {{1 | ON} | {0 | OFF}}.
Unless otherwise specified, the parameter can be any integer within the effective value range.
Notice: Do not set the parameter to a decimal or in scientific notation, otherwise, errors will occur.
For example, :DISPlay:GRID:BRIGhtness <count>, <count> can take integer form 0-100.
Unless otherwise specified, the parameter can be any value within the effective value range.
For example, for CH1, <offset> in the command CHANnel1:OFFSet <offset> can take value as real.
The parameter can only take a few specified number or characters.
For example, the parameter in the command :DISPlay:GRID:MODE { FULL | GRID | CROSS | NONE}, it can
only be FULL, GRID, CROSS or NONE.
Character string parameter can contain all ASCII sets. Character string must begin and end with paired quotes;
it can use single or double quotation marks. The quotation and delimiter can also be part of a string by typing it
twice and not adding any characters.
For example, set IP SYST:COMM:LAN:IPAD ""
Shorthand Rule
All the commands are case-insensitive. The commands can be all input in uppercase letters or in lowercase letters.
For abbreviations, it should enter all the uppercase letters that exist in the command syntax.
Data Return
Data return is divided into single data and batch data. The single data return is the corresponding parameter type,
in which the real return type is presents by the scientific notation method. The part before e retains three figure
behind the decimal point, and the e part retains three figure; the batch return must be obey IEEE 488.2# string data
format, ‘#’+ the length of character bits [fixed to one character] + ASCII valid value+ valid data+ end string [‘\n’]
For example, #3123xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n represents 123 strings batch data return format, ‘3’ represents “123”
occupies three character bits.