User’s Manual MSO/UPO2000 Seri es
132 / 137
19. System Prompt and Troubleshooting
19.1 Description of System Prompt
This chapter is to describe the system prompt, the detailed explanation as shown in Table 19-1
Table 19-1
Adjusting is up to extremity
It is prompt that the adjusting is up to extremity in the current
status. It cannot be adjust. It will be prompt when vertical scale
rotary knob, time base knob, horizontal displacement, vertical
displacement and trigger level, trigger time is up to extremity.
There is no valid data
It will be prompt when saving waveform.
It will clear all saved
waveforms and settings.
It will be prompt when using clear function.
Forbidden function
It will be prompt if open event list when bus is disabled; switch
extend serial port in roll mode.
Fail to create a template
It will be prompt when the selected reference waveform is not
opened in Pass/Fail template. It will be prompt when turn on
operation to run Pass/Fail test.
There is no record data
It will be prompt if operating play and stop function when there is no
record data.
Pass/Fail function is
invalid when the scanning is
turned on.
It will be prompt when allow to test function is enabled.
I/O operation is failed!
It will be prompt when failed to save Bode data; failed to save
It will restore the
system to factory setting.
It will be prompt when using the default function.
Storage is failed, please format
It will be prompt if using USB which is not FAT format to save data.
No USB has detected, please
insert USB device
It will be prompt when USB is not connected.
Remove all input signals.
It will be prompt when using analog channel calibration and LA
Auto-calibration is completed
It will be prompt when auto-calibration is completed.
Channel has no signal
It will be prompt when channel is no signal.