Check and adjust the toe-in of the wheels on a special stand.
If no stand is available, check and adjust the toe-in of the wheels by
the inner surface of tires as follows.
Adjust the toe-in of the wheels with the normal tire pressure, so that
dimension A (Fig. 9.22), measured by the center line of the tire side
surface in front, is 0.5–1.5 mm less than dimension B behind. Adjust the
toe-in of the wheels by changing the length of the steering tie rod: loosen
locknuts 1 and 3, having the left- and right-hand thread, and rotate fitting
2 (Fig. 9.23). Tighten the locknuts after adjustment.
Replace the wheels to wear the tires evenly. Replace them only on
one side — the front instead of the rear one. Do not use the spare wheel
for replacement.
The attachment of the spare wheel
is shown in Fig. 9.24. The wheel
shall be securely fixed on the holder with sector 2 (Fig. 9.24, A) or with
bracket 7 (Fig. 9.24, B).
To avoid tire carbonization from the exhaust pipe the wheel shall
be moved from the pipe before fixing it, until the air gap of at least 40
mm appears.
Fig. 9.22. Toe-in
Fig. 9.23. Steering Tie Rod:
1– left-hand thread locknut; 2 — adjusting fitting; 3 — right-hand thread locknut; 4 — joint