If the oil foams abundantly in the tank, which means that air has
entered into the system, stop the engine and let the oil settle for no less
than 20 min (until bubbles come out from the oil). Inspect connections
between the hoses and the power steering units and eliminate the leakage,
as required.
5. let the engine run for 15–20 sec and bleed the power steering
system to remove residual air from the steering mechanism by turning
the steering wheel lock-to-lock 3 times with no stops in the end positions.
6. Check oil level in the tank. Heighten its level up to the filter screen.
When the engine is heated up (or the power steering oil is heated up),
oil level can be up to 7 mm higher than the screen.
7. Cover the tank and tighten the cap with a hand.
8. Connect the drag link, tighten (see Appendix 2) and secure the
ball stud nut with a cotter.
Maintenance of the control and safety valves of the pump. If they get
dirty, wash them as follows:
1. Unscrew dummy plug 9 (Fig. 9.27), placed over the outlet orifice
of the pump.
Fig. 9.26. Under hood Space:
1 — radiator of engine cooling system; 2 — engine; 3 — oil tank of hydraulic power
steering system