1. Apply the parking brake, shift into the first or the reverse gear
of the gearbox and make sure that the transfer case lever is not in the
neutral position. Put wheel wedges under the wheel opposite to the
lifted one, as required.
2. Install the jack on a level ground under the axle shaft housing.
3. Untwist jack internal screw 3 as high as the clearance between
the axle shaft housing and the ground allows.
4. Move jack pawl 5 to the left from handle 6, so that the pawl end
enters the slot of ratchet wheel 7.
5. lift the vehicle on a required height by swinging the tire lever,
inserted to the handle orifice.
6. To lower the wheels move the jack pawl to the right and deepen
the jack screws into housing 1 by swingings the tire lever. At the end of
work twist external screw 2 and internal screw 3 into the jack housing
as far as it can go.
Jack maintenance:
periodically clean threaded parts from dirt and
grease them.
Inspect the riveted couplings, screws and levers of jacks. Screws and
levers deformation or damage, as well as riveted couplings loosening are
not allowed. If so, replace the jack.
Fig. 10.1. Jack:
1 — housing; 2 — external screw;
3 — internal screw; 4 — head;
5 — pawl; 6 — handle; 7 — ratchet