NEO-M9N - Integration manual
For periodic output messages the rate relates to the event the message is related to. For example,
the UBX-NAV-PVT (navigation, position, velocity and time solution) is related to the navigation
epoch. If the rate of this message is set to one (1), it will be output for every navigation epoch. If the
rate is set to two (2), it will be output every other navigation epoch. The rates of the output messages
are individually configurable per communication interface. See the CFG-MSGOUT-* configuration
Some messages, such as UBX-MON-VER, are non-periodic and will only be output as an answer to
a poll request.
The UBX-INF-* and NMEA-Standard-TXT information messages are non-periodic output messages
that do not have a message rate configuration. Instead they can be enabled for each communication
interface via the CFG-INFMSG-* configuration group.
All message output is additionally subject to the protocol configuration of the
communication interfaces. Messages of a given protocol will not be output until the protocol
is enabled for output on the interface (see
Communication interface configuration GNSS signal configuration
The GNSS constellations are configurable with configuration keys. Each GNSS constellation can be
enabled or disabled independently.
3.1.5 RTCM corrections
RTCM is a binary data protocol for communication of GNSS correction information. The NEO-
M9N module supports RTCM as specified by RTCM 10403.3, Differential GNSS (Global Navigation
Satellite Systems) Services – Version 3 (October 7, 2016).
The RTCM specification is currently at version 3.3 and RTCM version 2 messages are not supported
by this standard.
To modify the RTCM input/output settings, see the configuration section in the applicable interface
description [
]. NTRIP - networked transport of RTCM via internet protocol
Networked Transport of RTCM via internet protocol, or NTRIP, is an open standard protocol for
streaming differential data and other kinds of GNSS streaming data over the internet in accordance
with specifications published by RTCM.
There are three major parts to the NTRIP system: The NTRIP client, the NTRIP server, and the NTRIP
The NTRIP server is a PC or an on-board computer running NTRIP server software
communicating directly with a GNSS reference station. The NTRIP server serves as the
intermediary between the GNSS receiver (NTRIP Source) streaming correction data and the
NTRIP caster.
The NTRIP caster is an HTTP server which receives streaming correction data from one or
more NTRIP servers and in turn streams the correction data to one or more NTRIP clients via
the internet.
The NTRIP client receives streaming correction data from the NTRIP caster to apply as real-
time corrections to a GNSS receiver.
u-center GNSS evaluation software
provides an NTRIP client application that can help to evaluate a
NEO-M9N design. The u-center NTRIP client connects over the internet to an NTRIP service provider,
using access credentials such as user name and password from the service provider. The u-center
NTRIP client then forwards the RTCM 3.3 corrections to a NEO-M9N receiver connected to the local
UBX-19014286 - R07
3 Receiver functionality
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